Why do you have an Faq
I don’t know, this website template came with one and I feel like just filling it up with junk.
What do you use to make what you do
All sorts of stuff. I mainly use sculpey a polymer clay that gets backed in the oven. I use Tin foil and wire for the skeleton of most of my sculpts. I use sculptors tools as well. For my Pumpkins I use a store brought pumpkin craving kit and wood craving tools.
Who do you think you are
Gregory Canell… Read this if you have any more questions about that.
This stuff is really great, why aren’t you president of earth
Thanks, you know president is an elected position so that on you not me. Voting is important.
Sure I guess. I have never done a commission but there’s always room for firsts. If what I make needs to be shipped I can not guarantee they wont get broken while shipping as they can be fragile. Send me a message in that contact page yo.
What is the meaning of life
I believe their is no ONE meaning to life. Every life has it’s own meaning and it takes a lot of introspection in order to find ones own meaning. I believe my own life’s meaning is to leave a positive impact on as many people as possible. I’m a strong believer in the Butterfly effect , so I believe making just one person smile could have an unforeseen ripple affect.